Proposal for Medical Marijuana Patient Registry

SD-DOH Issues Request for Proposal for Medical Marijuana Patient Registry, Verification, & Licensing System in SD
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Health (SD-DOH) issued a request for proposal (RFP)(ID #2357) for a statewide patient registry, verification, and licensing system to be used in the implementation of the medical marijuana program.
“This is just one of many steps our Department will take to fulfill its commitment of implementing a responsible medical marijuana program that will ensure both patient and public safety,” said Kim Malsam-Rysdon, Secretary of Health.
Pursuant to South Dakota Codified Law 34-20G, the SD-DOH is responsible for implementing a secure web-based patient verification system by October 29, 2021, and a patient registry system by November 18, 2021. These systems are necessary to ensure that patients and caregivers can be accurately identified, and to ensure that only verified patients and caregivers have access to medical marijuana.
The patient verification system will also ensure that South Dakota law enforcement officials have the necessary tools to accurately identify medical marijuana patients/caregivers they may encounter. Additionally, a state licensing system will be used to accept applications for medical marijuana establishments and will facilitate multi-jurisdictional collaboration in compliance with state law.
The State will consider solutions hosted by the State or the vendor. If a vendor chooses to provide responses for each solution, they should submit separate proposals.
RFP (ID#2357) questions may be sent to Sakura Rohleder via email to