The Veterans Town

Hot Springs – South Dakota
The Veteran’s Town.
Hot Springs VA revamp remains stalled
While the reconfiguration is stalled, operations continue as usual in Hot Springs, Horsman said, which is fully staffed with physicians and was recently approved to expand its laboratory staffing. The Hot Springs site also has telehealth opportunities available, allowing veterans to access expanded services. The VA is always looking to the future, and telehealth will play a large role in that, particularly in rural areas such as western Nebraska and South Dakota.
Source: Hot Springs VA revamp remains stalled
Sign Up For My HealthEVet
My HealtheVet offers three account types:
Basic Account –
Anyone who registers on My HealtheVet starts with a Basic Account. This account does not require that you have your identity Authenticated*. A Basic Account provides limited access to features in My HealtheVet that you self-enter. You may use the journals and other tools to track your health measures. However, you cannot see your personal information located in VA or DoD systems.
* This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans’ identity before allowing access to their VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.
With a Basic Account you may use My HealtheVet to:
Add information to a personal health journal about over-the-counter medications, allergies, military health history, medical events, tests and allergies
Record and track personal information such as contact information, emergency contacts, health care doctors and providers, and health insurance information
Record and track personal health measurements (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, heart rate, body temperature, weight, pain level, etc.) in
Vitals & Readings
Print a wallet ID card with the personal information entered into the personal health record
Set personal goals. My Goals makes it easy for you to set Goals, identify your Strengths and Tasks, to overcome Obstacles, and track your progress. My Goals can be used to help your health care team understand what is important to you.
Use the VA Blue Button (Download My Data) to view, save, print or download and save your self-entered information; then share this with your caregiver, non-VA provider or others you trust. Your self-entered information may include:
Activity Journal, Self Reported
Allergies, Self Reported
Family Health History, Self Reported
Food Journal, Self Reported
Health Care Providers, Self Reported
Health Insurance, Self Reported
Immunizations, Self Reported
Labs and Tests, Self Reported
Medical Events, Self Reported
Medications and Supplements, Self Reported
Military Health History, Self Reported
My Goals: Current Goals, Self Reported
My Goals: Completed Goals, Self Reported
Treatment Facility, Self Reported
Vitals and Readings, Self Reported
After you register, your account type will be displayed in the Member Login box, as an icon after your name. For example if you have a Basic Account, there will be a after your name. With an Advanced Account, it will be an
. Those with a Premium Account will have a
after their name.
Advanced Account –
This account is only for Veterans and/or VA Patients. It is a higher level of access to features offered in My HealtheVet. It may provide you the ability to view some information in your VA and/or DoD records. This account does not require that you have your identity Authenticated*. However, when you register as a Veteran/VA Patient, your profile information (full name, Social Security Number (SNN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) is linked to VA/DoD records. When this happens, you are given an Advanced Account. If you are a VA patient, this type of account lets you refill your VA prescriptions online using My HealtheVet.
* This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans’ identity before allowing access to their VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.
After you register, your account type will be displayed in the Member Login box. For example if your account is upgraded from Basic to Advanced, there will be an after your name.
Note: When you are issued an Advanced or Premium Account, your personal traits (full name, Social Security Number (SNN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) are locked down on your Profile page. You cannot change this information. This is done to protect your information.
Premium Account –
This account is only for Veterans and/or VA Patients. It gives users the highest level of access to My HealtheVet features. To get this type of account you need to go through Authentication* and have your My HealtheVet profile information (full name, Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) linked to VA/DoD records. After you register, your account type will be displayed in the Member Login box. Those with a Premium Account will have after their name.
* This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans’ identity before allowing access to their VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.
With a Premium Account you may use My HealtheVet to view key portions of your VA health record, such as:
VA Admissions and Discharges (including discharge summaries) – Discharge Summaries are available 3 calendar days after they are completed.
VA Allergies
VA Appointments (future)
VA Appointments (limited to past 2 years)
VA Demographics
VA Electrocardiogram (EKG)
VA Immunizations
VA Laboratory Results: Chemistry/Hematology/Microbiology – VA Laboratory Results are available 3 calendar days after they have been verified. Depending on the type of test, some laboratory results may not be available right away.
VA Medication History
VA Pathology Report: Surgical Pathology/Cytology/Electron Microscopy. VA Pathology Reports are available 14 calendar days after they have been completed. Some studies done at a non-VA facility may not be available or they may not necessarily include an interpretation.
VA Problem List – Your VA Problem List contains active health problems your VA providers are helping you to manage. This information is available 3 calendar days after it has been entered. It may not contain active problems managed by non-VA health care providers.
VA Notes – VA Notes written from January 1, 2013 forward are available 3 calendar days after they have been completed and signed by all required members of your VA health care team.
VA Radiology – Your report is available 3 calendar days after it has been verified by members of the VA health care team
VA Vitals and Readings
VA Wellness Reminders
VA electronic health record information such as VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD) and other information as it becomes available
Department of Defense (DoD) Military Service Information
In addition you may be able to:
- Use the VA Blue Button to view, save download and/or print your VA health and DoD Military Service Information. You can also share this with your caregiver, non-VA provider or others you trust.
- Download your VA Continuity of Care Document (VA CCD). This is a standard electronic exchange document, used for sharing patient information. The VA CCD will be a summary of important health information from the Veterans VA Electronic Health Record.
- Use Secure Messaging to communicate online with your VA health care team. You may send messages to request or cancel VA appointments. Use it to ask about lab results or find out about a medication or health issue. Or simply to discuss other general health matters.
Note: When you are issued an Advanced or Premium Account, your personal traits (full name, Social Security Number (SNN), date of birth (DOB) and gender) are locked down on your profile page. You cannot change this information. This is done to protect your information.
*Authentication: This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans’ identity before allowing access to their VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.