Uranium Mining

To the Editor:
Thoughts and production of chaos can be brought to light but never understood.
The production of chaos in the form of uranium mining and the proposed injection wells for dumping unknown amounts of toxic waste into the Minnelusa aquifer, which supplies water to many communities in the Black Hills, will totally ruin the water supply and environment for all living creatures.
Mr. Hollenbeck and others say that these actions are harmless. He must be dreaming. We must recognize this kind of thinking for what it is: a dedication to illusions.
When a dedication of this kind exists, we must realize it is totally unreconcilable with the truth in any way. The Earth is our sacred home, and we cannot allow shuch destruction.
The prospect of these proposals keeps those people supporting it in a perpetual state of illusion and disconnected from the truth of the matter. We must all remember than nothing can hurt us unless we give it the power to do so.
All of this insanity must be stopped permanently by everyone who opposes it.
We must do our part.
Melody Inchumuk
Hot Springs
Uranium mining comment period bumped back.
Those who wish to offer their testimony for or against the proposed in situ uranium mining project Azaraga/Powertech hopes to do at the Dewey Burdock site, which spans both Fall River and Custer counties, have until June 19 to do so.
The original deadline for public comments on this was May 19. However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 8 extended the public comment through June 19.
Uranium mining is a really bad idea plain and simple.
Why here?
Who profits from this?
How do they profit?
County won’t stand against uranium mining.
We need to put Hot Springs #1